Exclusive limited time offer Offer - ends in 48 hours!

For our Valued Community

Unlock the biggest discount we've ever offered and save £296 on our complete Wellness Program
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Benefits Backed by Science

TheWEL course has been proven to produce remarkable lasting results for most of its participants. This proof has been built in three layers:
  • The core WEL approach and results was developed over 20 years of evidence from medical practice.
  • Over 12 years of ratings from over 3000 participants show continuous cycles of improvement.
  • In-depth scientific studies in over 300 people confirm the results using person-centred measures, depth case studies, and blood results.

Physical Wellness

Some of the benefits experienced by our participants:

  • 86% Improved their eating habits. 
  • 42% Reduced their dependence on prescribed drugs. 
  • 77% Experienced improvement in health conditions.

Mental Wellness

Some of the benefits experienced by our participants:

  • 77% Developed better self care.
  • 77% Improved their ability to cope with stress 
  • 66% Experienced relationship improvements.

Objective Blood Markers

Following completion of TheWEL Course:

  • 2 in 3 improved their omega 3-6 ratio (reducing risk of heart disease, inflammation, depression, arthritis.)
  • 1 in 3 reversed their pre-Diabetes.

What's included?

All five parts of TheWEL Course (valued at £495) complete with:

Teaching Videos

15+ Hours of Expert Instruction

Over 15 hours of video content where Dr Reilly works directly with participants, helping you to apply these lessons in your own life. 


5 Practical Workbooks

Practical workbooks accompanying each part of the course to guide your self-reflection and track your progress; including interactive quizzes, which help to reinforce your understanding of the material. 


Comprehensive Guide to TheWEL Course

A 290-page book, summarising all of Dr Reilly's teaching. backed up with cutting-edge scientific evidence, to support your learning.
student success

Watch Angela's Story

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Success Stories from our Community


"TheWEL transformed how I view my health and wellbeing and set me on a path of healing. Before I was bed-bound with illness and now live a much fuller and happier life. I would highly recommend the course!"


"Before TheWEL I was type 2 Diabetic. What I liked about TheWEL is that it's not just another therapy, but it's actually deep learning and knowledge that's easy to apply. The course helped me cut through things I was trapped in and I'm no longer diabetic."

Susie Greig - Ayrshire

'TheWEL was the start of a new way of living for me.It shifted my way of seeing and being and gifted me skills to navigate and love daily life. It taught me how to flourish.'"I am so glad I came across this course offer. The coupon code made it accessible for me to enroll in the online course. Thank you for this opportunity!"

Meet your Teacher 

TheWEL is the life's work of Dr David Reilly, a doctor from Scotland who is a global pioneer in integrative care. 

Spanning a forty year career as doctor, teacher and researcher, Dr Reilly has taught integrative medicine in 26 countries and is an accomplished researcher known for breaking new ground in medical thinking.

Years ahead of his time, Dr Reilly was one of the pioneers that laid the foundations for what has become known as Functional Medicine in the US, and Lifestyle Medicine in the UK.  

The Public Health Institute of Scotland credited Dr Reilly and his WEL Course as seeding the needed Fifth Wave of health care and prevention. 
Course teacher

Dr David Reilly 

Dr David Reilly is an internationally renowned doctor and researcher who evolved TheWEL from his direct clinical work with patients over 20 years. His pioneering work spans forty years as a Consultant Physician, Researcher, Teacher, and Innovator. Over 1 Million people have watched Dr Reilly's Ted Talk 'Human Healing Unlocked'
For a limited time only — expires in 48 hours!

Don't miss out on this one-time offer!

Don't miss this opportunity to kickstart your wellness journey! There's never been a better time, this one-time discount is the lowest price we'll ever offer for TheWEL Course.
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